
Who Happily Ever Autism is For

Happily Ever Autism.com Was Specifically Designed for YOU (and here’s why)

After my child was diagnosed in 2009, I headed right on over to the internet to do what most moms in this situation would do, research. But when I did a web search on autism the dominant page seemed to be Autism Speaks. At first I was like cool. I admit now that I didn’t know any better, and after a month or two, I noticed that not many people who are actually autistic supported this organization, and that struck me as strange. I proceeded to do a little more digging around about this organization and started to understand why they were quite unlike by the very community they claimed they were trying to help.

You can watch this 21-minute video that explains just some of reasons why Autism Speaks shouldn’t be speaking for anyone, especially autistics.

Happily Ever Autism Was Designed for Parents Looking For The Positive Side of Life as a Special Needs Parent

Autism Speaks, and other organizations like them, do little to nothing to actually help the autism community. And that’s absolutely horrifying! Making claims that families will be broken by divorce caused by the stress brought on by their child’s diagnosis, and stating that families will go broke because of autism in not only misinformation, but it’s socially irresponsible.

This was my main goal in starting this blog. To form a community of like-minded parents to up lift and support each other, while helping our children live their best life possible.

And fortunately, their are many other places for autism parents to get helpful and factual information.

Here are just a few:

Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)

The name says it all.

Their mission statement: The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which autistic people enjoy equal access, rights, and opportunities. We work to empower autistic people across the world to take control of our own lives and the future of our common community, and seek to organize the autistic community to ensure our voices are heard in the national conversation about us. Nothing About Us, Without Us!


ASPEN (asperger/autism spectrum education network) is the parent support group my family belonged to for a while. The president, Lori Sherry, is truly one of the sweetest ladies you could ever meet.

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